
The Great Silk Road (GSR) Centre of Expertise offers a range of services, including research activities, analytical support, consultancy and training. The primary services provided are as follows:

1. Analytical Research and Reports

Political and Economic Analysis: The provision of comprehensive analytical reports on the political and economic trends observed in the countries traversed by the East-West and North-South trade corridors.

Regional Studies: The production of in-depth studies focused on specific regions or countries, with consideration given to their role in the global economy and politics.

Industry Reports: An analysis of the development of key industries, such as logistics, energy, finance and trade, in the context of the renewed Silk Road.

2. Advisory Services

Strategic Advisory Services The provision of counsel to government agencies, the private sector, and non-governmental organisations on matters pertaining to the formulation and execution of strategies for international trade and economic collaboration.

Expert Opinions: The preparation of expert opinions on foreign economic policies, legislative changes and other key issues affecting trade corridors.

The analysis of risk is a fundamental aspect of any strategic decision-making process. The assessment and management of risks associated with political instability, economic crises and legislative changes.

3. Educational Programmes and Trainings

The provision of seminars and workshops is also a key aspect of our service offering. The organisation of educational events for professionals from a range of disciplines, including international relations, economics, logistics and energy.

Professional Development Programmes: The design and delivery of professional development courses for employees of companies and government agencies engaged in international trade and investment.

Webinars and online courses are also available. The provision of online training on contemporary issues pertaining to the evolution of the Silk Road and its global ramifications.

4. Information and Analytical Support

Monitoring and Forecasting: It is the responsibility of this department to provide clients with regular updates and forecasts on key issues affecting the East-West and North-South trade corridors.

The provision of briefings and reviews is also a key aspect of the service provided. Conduct research and produce concise analyses, briefings and reviews tailored to clients' specific requirements.

The provision of assistance to the media is also a key aspect of this service. The preparation of materials designed for dissemination to the media, including press releases, articles and expert commentary.

5. Event Organisation

International Conferences The organisation of significant international conferences on global trade, economic collaboration and sustainable development, within the context of the renewed Silk Road.

Roundtable and discussion sessions will be held. The organisation of private roundtable discussions and meetings with key experts, politicians and business leaders.

The organisation of exhibitions and forums is also a priority. The organisation of exhibitions and economic forums, with a particular focus on logistics, investment and technological innovation in the context of the Silk Road, is also a key objective.

6. Partnership Projects and Initiatives

The joint development of projects and initiatives is a fundamental aspect of this partnership. It is recommended that joint projects be initiated and coordinated with international partners with the objective of developing infrastructure, logistics and trade along the renewed Silk Road.

In the context of institutional partnerships, The facilitation of long-term partnerships between public and private organisations is essential for the implementation of strategic initiatives.

7. Customised Research

Personalised Research: The design and execution of bespoke research for clients, with due consideration of their particular requirements and interests.

Contract Research: The undertaking of contract research for a variety of clients, including commercial enterprises, governmental bodies and international organisations, with a particular focus on the analysis of markets, the evaluation of potential investment opportunities and the conduct of legislative research.
