The choice of Baku also underscores the desire to strengthen the role of the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia in global initiatives on climate change
The 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is scheduled to take place in Baku, Azerbaijan, from November 11 to 22, 2024. COP21 represents the pinnacle of global climate discourse, encompassing the objectives outlined in the Paris Agreement, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the adaptation to climate change, and the advancement of sustainable development.
The objective of COP29 is to evaluate the progress made by countries in fulfilling their commitments as outlined in the Paris Agreement, which was concluded in 2015 to limit global warming to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. The conference will serve as a pivotal opportunity for countries to refine their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and deliberate on additional measures to fortify global endeavors to combat climate change. In light of mounting pressure from the global community to drastically curtail greenhouse gas emissions, COP29 will provide a platform to debate tangible strategies and mechanisms that will enable countries to diminish their carbon footprint. The discourse will center on matters about financing, technology exchange, and fortifying collaboration between developed and developing countries.
In light of the mounting consequences of climate change, including extreme weather occurrences and rising sea levels, deliberations on adaptation strategies will constitute a pivotal aspect of COP29. The participating countries will present their strategies for minimizing the damage caused by climate change and enhancing the resilience of their economies and societies.
A significant focus of the conference will be the examination of the role of the oceans in the global climate system. In addition, the conference will address the role of marine ecosystems and sustainable marine resource management in global climate change mitigation strategies.
The decision to hold COP29 in Baku has elicited a range of responses, particularly from countries that have limited interest in the Caucasus Region and the challenges associated with its becoming the primary focus of the global community.
Baku represents a broader initiative to engage countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia in the global effort to combat climate change. COP29 provides Azerbaijan with an opportunity to present its initiatives in the fields of renewable energy and sustainable development, with a particular focus on solar and wind energy.
The Conference of the Parties 29 (COP29) will represent a significant turning point in the effort to create a sustainable global future. The conference will provide the international community with an opportunity to reinforce its commitment and accelerate efforts to mitigate the effects of climate change, as the world grapples with increasingly severe consequences. COP29 is anticipated to be a pivotal event that will significantly influence the trajectory of global climate policy, notwithstanding the inherent complexities of the regional political landscape.
Elbrus Mamedov,
Director of the Azerbaijan-Georgia-Turkey Strategic Partnership Information Support Centre